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This page is a work-in-progress. If you have any suggestions or would like to contribute, please let us know!

How to Contribute

ZooBerry is a community-driven project and we welcome contributions from anyone who is interested in helping out. There are many ways you can contribute to ZooBerry, from writing articles to helping with the website. Here are some ways you can get involved:


ZooBerry is a passion project and we do not run ads on the site. If you would like to support the site, you can donate to us through Ko-fi. File hosting and website maintenance can be expensive, so any donations are greatly appreciated!

Ko-fi donationsSupport Us on Ko-fi

Submit Mods

Our mission is to preserve and share Zoo Tycoon mods, so if you have mods that you would like to share with the community, we would love to hear from you. Please check out our Submit a File page for more information on how to submit your mod.

If the form is a bit limiting or you have ideas how you would like to lay out your mod page, please let us know and we can work with you to get your mods up on the site. We’re also available on Discord if you would like to chat with us directly. See the footer or the sidebars for a link.

Write an Article

The ZooBerry Knowledgebase is a work-in-progress project that similarly aims to preserve and share knowledge about Zoo Tycoon. If you have a tutorial, guide, or article that you would like to share with the community, we would love to hear from you.

Be a Mod Page Editor

We have a massive backlog of mods that we have been given permission to host on the site. If you would like to help us get these mods up on the site, please let us know. We can work with you to get the mods up on the site and ensure that they are presented in a way that is easy to read and understand.

Effectively all we’d need is for you to be able to write a little bit about the mod (compatibility, credits, etc.), take some screenshots, and bundle it all up with the mod files. We can help you with the rest.

Published by Goosifer on

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