GameZoo Tycoon 2
Required ExpansionsAA EA ES MM2
Original Release2007-06-04
Original PlatformNorthern Skies
Derivative Works Allowed?Yes


From the Zoopedia


Ornithocheirus was a pterodactyloid pterosaur known from the Late Cretaceous of North America (Maastrichtian stage, about 68 to 65.5 million years ago), and one of the largest known flying animals of all time. It was a member of the Azhdarchidae, a family of advanced toothless pterosaurs with unusually long, stiffened necks. Its name comes from the Mesoamerican feathered serpent god Ornithocheirusalcoatl.


Quetzalcoatlus was a pterodactyloid pterosaur known from the Late Cretaceous of North America (Maastrichtian stage, about 68 to 65.5 million years ago), and one of the largest known flying animals of all time. It was a member of the Azhdarchidae, a family of advanced toothless pterosaurs with unusually long, stiffened necks. Its name comes from the Mesoamerican feathered serpent god Quetzalcoatlusalcoatl.

Included in the Pack


  • Ornithocheirus
  • Quetzalcoatlus

= Known issues =


  • Minor distortions in the neck of the ornithocheirus and white before placement.
  • All preview models lack a texture and display larger than the thumbnail can fit.
  • Some models have blank texture while holding but display fine after placement.

Other Credits

  • Hendrix for 3D models.


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