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Black Lion

Black Lion

The black lion is only known to exist in the realm of fiction, folklore, and photoshop hoaxes. The black lion is only known to exist in the realm of fiction, folklore, and photoshop hoaxes.
Author(s)Wolf Loving Bear Lover Penguinman
GameZoo Tycoon 2
Required Exps.None Required
File size1.04 MB
Original release date2006-03-14
Archive date2023-11-24
Originally released atZT2 Design Centre
Author Allows Derivative Mods?Yes
Languages SupportedEnglish

“The black lion isn’t a subspeicies,nor is it a speicies actually.The black lion is just a normal Lion.Well,Its a color phase.” Although the Zoopedia presents the black lion as a real creature, this is just for fun. In reality the black lion is only known to exist in the realm of fiction, folklore, and photoshop hoaxes.

Penguinman’s exact role in creating this download is unknown, as it is simply stated that he helped the other author. It includes a gift for guests to purchase.

This download has one known issue:

  • While not outright a bug, this animal seems more finnicky about fulfilling its hunger need than is typical. It seems to priortize other tasks over eating. If you place down fresh food when they complain, that can help mitigate this issue.