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Blue Poison Dart Frog

Blue Poison Dart Frog

These little frogs are easily recognized by their blue color, which is generally darker on the limbs and belly and overlaid with black spots or patches. These little frogs are easily recognized by their blue color, which is generally darker on the limbs and belly and overlaid with black spots or patches.
Author(s)Penguinman Nettie
GameZoo Tycoon 2
Required Exps.ES
File size856 KB
Original release date2006-01-25
Archive date2023-12-30
Originally released atPenguin's Peak ZT2 Design Centre
Author Allows Derivative Mods?Yes
Languages SupportedEnglish

These little frogs are easily recognized by their blue color, which is generally darker on the limbs and belly and overlaid with black spots or patches, especially on the head and back. As their name implies, poison dart frogs can release toxins from the skin that are distasteful and potentially lethal to would-be predators. Three very toxic species of poison dart frogs from Colombia and South America are utilized by Native Americans to poison the tips of blowgun darts.

Like many other downloads of its time, this was a collaboration that Penguinman created with another user. It includes a gift for guests to purchase.

This download has a couple known issues:

  • It mates and gets pregnant but never laid eggs during testing, even after its pregnancy timer was at red for a while.
  • While not outright a bug, this animal seems more finnicky about fulfilling its needs than is typical. Give them open land space and they should eat and drink just fine. Additionally, it seems to do better about eating from hollow logs than from terrain food, so it’s recommended to give them a hollow log with insects as their food source.