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Montane Forest

Montane Forest

Montane forests are a type of tropical moist forest that exist at higher elevations. Montane forests are a type of tropical moist forest that exist at higher elevations. Montane forests are a type of tropical moist forest that exist at higher elevations. Montane forests are a type of tropical moist forest that exist at higher elevations. Montane forests are a type of tropical moist forest that exist at higher elevations. Montane forests are a type of tropical moist forest that exist at higher elevations. Montane forests are a type of tropical moist forest that exist at higher elevations. Montane forests are a type of tropical moist forest that exist at higher elevations. Montane forests are a type of tropical moist forest that exist at higher elevations. Montane forests are a type of tropical moist forest that exist at higher elevations. Montane forests are a type of tropical moist forest that exist at higher elevations. Montane forests are a type of tropical moist forest that exist at higher elevations. Montane forests are a type of tropical moist forest that exist at higher elevations. Montane forests are a type of tropical moist forest that exist at higher elevations.
Author(s)Penguinman ShenTirag
GameZoo Tycoon 2
Required Exps.None Required
File size2.42 MB
Original release date2009-09-07
Archive date2024-01-14
Originally released atPenguin's Peak Shen's Den ZT2 Design Centre
Author Allows Derivative Mods?Yes
Languages SupportedEnglish

Montane forests are a type of tropical moist forest that exist at higher elevations. In some regions this can cause the formation of a cloud forest, but in most a standard montane forest setting occurs. These forests often have many epiphytes which are plants that can grow without roots because it can get moisture and nutrients from the air.

==== Included in the Pack


  • Montane Forest


  • Grand Montane Forest Rock
  • Large Montane Forest Rock
  • Medium Montane Forest Rock
  • Small Montane Forest Rock

==== Dependencies

This download will require an updated biome system such as the Biome Shell, Lego’s Updated Biome System (available standalone or in the Cretaceous Calamity Holiday Teaser), or Summjoke’s Creator’s Panel. These sorts of files can be found in the Tools and Utilities section.

==== Context

Like many other downloads of its time, this was a collaboration that Penguinman created with another user. It has no known issues.

==== Related Downloads

Hack: This will move the spectacled bear, mountain gorilla, and puya plant to the Montane Forest biome. Download - HERE

South American:

  • Wax Palm
  • Penguika South America Pack: Cloud Forest - optional versions of the files will move the animals, trees and plants to this biome


New Guinea:

  • Dwarf Cassowary - main version
  • Artifex’s Island Excursions - an optional Montane Forest file will move the New Guinea content to this biome