Game Zoo Tycoon 2
Required Expansions ES
Original Release 2006-05-07
Original Platform ZT2 Design Centre
Derivative Works Allowed? Unknown
Languages English


The painted reed frog is found throughout central and southern Africa. As the name suggests, painted reed frogs are primarily found around wetlands, where the reeds they get their name from grow. These frogs are capable of changing their colour, and what was a striking black and gold pattern may become pale brown and light yellow. But the general pattern remains the same.

= Included in the Pack


  • Painted Reed Frog


  • Wetland Mushroom


  • Painted Reed Frog Information Sign

= Context

A pack containing a wetlands mushroom, a painted reed frog and an information board. Enjoy!

As a note, the information sign is an off-grid item. This isn’t a bug and is likely intentional, but it’s worth mentioning since most vanilla-style scenery items are not.


  • Nettie and Penguinman for the base frog.
  • Just Penguinman for help.

= Known issues

  • The frog mates and gets pregnant but never laid eggs during testing, even after its pregnancy timer was at red for a while.
  • While not outright a bug, the frog seems more finnicky about fulfilling some of its needs than is typical. Give them open land space and they should eat and drink just fine.
  • On top of the usual issues with fulfilling needs that it shares with Penguinman’s frogs, the frog in this pack is especially bad about fulfilling its privacy and social needs, which causes the animal to be unhappy.


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